Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were all Christians....everyone in the whole world? At first the thought was calming and peaceful.... soothing. Then I thought of the fighting that goes on in church families, in Bible Study groups, in church organizations. I hate to say it but as wonderful as it would be if everyone were Christian, it would not eliminate harsh treatment, disrespectful attitudes, back-stabbing, and rumor-spreading. There would be more forgiveness. There would be more love, service, assistance, caring. But we Christians still carry too much pride....pride that causes us to want things our own way at whatever the cost (because we don't take time to evaluate the true cost). But I still like the idea. Yes, other faiths would protest this notion as being hurtful and prideful, that it is arrogant to say ours is the only way to truly love and honor God and accept His offer of eternity in heaven. But we, Christians, aren't the ones who said it. Jesus did. So i...