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Breathe on Me, Breath of God

Earlier this week I woke up singing "Breathe on me Breath of God". I don't know many of the words but know the tune, so I'd sing what I knew and hum the rest. I really have no clue why I had that song on my mind. We haven't sung it in church recently. I didn't spend much time trying to figure out why I woke with that tune on my mind.  I just hummed along until I was no longer humming it.
Today, part of my reading included this verse from Job. In the middle of one of his discourses, he said "As long as I have life within me, the breath of God is in my nostrils." (Job 27:3) I'm not sure if humming that song earlier this week, then reading this verse today has a connection for me or not. I'm not sure what the message might be. I'm not having any breathing problems. Maybe that's it. I haven't adequately thanked God for not having breathing problems and for having His breath in me. At least I haven't thanked Him specifically for that recently.

I wonder if this passage holds a message for those struggling with loved ones on life support systems. I don't know anyone at the moment in that condition. I have a Christian friend who is having some lung issues - a spot or mass or something. Maybe this is a message of hope for him, that as long as he has breath, he has the breath of God.

I really don't know the message. But I like the thought of God's breath in me, in my nostrils, in my sinus cavities, in my lungs, in my breath and my exhales. God in me - through and through.  I hope that I can live in a way that demonstrates my respect for God, that He is important and His breath in me is not wasted.  Breathe on me Breath of God.

God's breath is powerful. He spoke creation into existence with His breath. Jesus spoke and people were raised from death. Breath of God is the breath of life. We perish without it.

Breathe on me Breath of God.  Fill me with life anew.  May I be worthy and live with thankfulness and awe at the wonderful gift of the Breath of God in me.  Amen.
