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Obituary - or what I would like said about me.
I know.
That's not a title that you'd like to see. But as I read Daniel yesterday and again today, I see some things said of Daniel that I would like said of me.  Daniel 5:11-12 says this: ..... has the spirit of the holy gods in him...... he was found to have insight and intelligence and wisdom ....This man Daniel...was found to have a keen mind and knowledge and understanding, and also the ability to interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve difficult problems......"

Daniel 6:4 says "....... tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent."

In one passage, the angel Gabriel appears to Daniel: "He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the message and understand the vision (Daniel 9:22-23)

Now, which parts do I want in my obituary, or rather what opinion do I want people to have about me? When I've thought about this before, the first thing that came to mind is ...'Well done, good and faithful servant! ...." from Matthew 24 v 23 & 25. I always liked that and thought that would be a wonderful thing to have said of me.

Then I saw these verses in Daniel and need to modify my previous thoughts, or perhaps it is a goal. It would be good if I acted in such as way that people would not be able to find corruption in me, that people could see the spirit of The Holy God in me, if they thought that I could help them solve problems, thought me trustworthy, and not negligent.  And how wonderful it would be to think that I was held in high esteem with those that Gabriel hangs out with!  Oh My!  How nice that would be!

Now, I'm not being proud here. I'm not looking for praise. I just would like my life to reflect devotion to Christ, and that that devotion would exude those characteristics mentioned of Daniel and elicit those types of comments.

It would take a lifetime of good behavior. It would take a lifetime of reflecting God to others. I've already failed at that. I can probably find loads of people who would say the exact opposite about me. All I can say is Thank God that He is still working on me. That He hasn't given up on me.  That He thinks I am worth the effort of continuing to push, pull, mold, craft, prune, shape, fire (as in a kiln) and purify me.

Thank you, heavenly Father for your efforts on me. You have given me wonderful role models, a great foundation to build my faith in You, a heart that is not hardened but yearns for You. With You, all things are possible.  I pray that I am able to reflect You to those around me, and to reflect You more and more often and more accurately.  With the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I strive to glorify You.  Amen.
