When I was very young my mom told me many times to "consider the source". I always took it to mean that the other "source" was somehow less than me. I don't know that is how she meant it, but that is how I took it. He or she wasn't worth my hurt feelings because they weren't as good as me in some way, or worth as much as me in some way. Of course as an adult, I completely understand how my childish understanding was skewed. However, I do believe in the statement "consider the source". Let me give a few examples why "considering the source" is helpful. A person who has never had a cavity requiring a dentist to fill it may not understand why another person doesn't look forward to going to the dentist. A person living in California may not understand why a person from the Midwest might have reservations about visiting the San Andreas fault area. The person in the Midwest might not understand why a person from California might...