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Motive - My One Word

My One Word: MOTIVE
My chosen Scripture:  Philippians 1:18  (NIV)
But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.

I had a revelation overnight about this. Well, let me tell you the beginning of the story. I've been reading My One Word by Mike AshcraftHonestly, I've been reading it for a couple of months.  I can't say exactly why it has taken so long.  I began reading it then worked on a list of words, had decided I should read the rest of the book to understand the process, thinking that would help choose the "right word", then I decided that was typical me, jumping ahead trying to determine a better process.  So I stopped reading until I decided on a word.  So as I said already, my one word is Motive.

The next part of the process is to find the scripture using that word.  There are five verses with the word motive in it.  Who'd have thought MOTIVE was even in the Bible? But sure enough it is there - 5 times.  

So here is my revelation.  It makes no difference what my motive is.  At least it makes no difference in the God-sized scheme of things.  The important thing is that in every way, Christ is preached!  What a relief!! Even if my motives are selfish, as long as Christ is preached, it doesn't make any difference! 

Actually, the revelation included how much "self" was part of my choice of the word MOTIVE.   It's amazing to me how much of the time I am focused on me without even knowing it.  I was thinking that examining my motive was an attempt at getting away from self by being more self-aware - guess what?  That was just another way of putting me front and center.  Self is so sneaky!

My Word is still Motive. But I know now that I can use it to be reminded that no motive makes a difference provided Christ is preached.  I only need to trust Christ, trust in His plan, trust that ultimately, He will be glorified.  I will step forward, regardless of my motive, to glorify and preach Christ.  Nothing could be better than that.   I will overlook other people's motives for their actions, because it does not matter as long as Christ is preached.  Amem.