John 10:19 (NLT
) When he [Jesus] said these things, the people were again divided in their opinions about him.
The footnote to this indicates that "the people" were the Jewish people who listened to Jesus. As I read this verse today as part of my daily Bible reading, I think that it is still the same today. People, and not just Jewish people, are divided in our opinions of Jesus and His teachings. We fight and argue amongst ourselves demanding that our opinions and interpretations of the Bible are the only correct ones, that somehow we each individually have the inside scoop when it comes to understanding God and His word.
Now I've said before that I believe we each individually have or can have a relationship with God. I believe each relationship with God is unique and not like any other. I also believe that one passage touches a different nerve than another passage. However, I don't believe that my understanding of a passage is the only right one. In my walk with Christ, my increased knowledge of scripture, and the history of scripture, and my own life experiences has made me expand my views of how God works and have even caused changes in some of my views completely.
For example, I can remember having a conversation several years ago where I stated that I believed that God was likely not in the little things, that He allows the world to flow and doesn't get involved in the light turning green when I'm in a hurry, or having a line of people in front of me at the store when I'm in a hurry. But, as I've grown in knowledge of God and in my relationship with Christ, I understand that God is part of and in everything, every little thing. He helps me find my missing keys. He's there to make sure I see a friendly face when going in for a routine procedure to alleviate my fears and give me peace. When I need something to smile about, He helps me notice the birds playing in the water.
So, let's agree that God is amazing and indescribable. Let's agree that we can't know ALL there is to know about God. Let's agree that He speaks to us each individually and differently - as each has need. And let's agree that sometimes our understanding might differ from another person's understanding....and that it could be right. God is big enough to handle all our points of view. And when we allow it, God will enlighten us to understand HIS point of view.
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