On the last day of my fast, I was looking forward to eating. I was also a little concerned about it. If you look up fasting on the internet, you'll find all kinds of warnings about coming off a fast. Well, apparently those warnings must be for long fasts, not 5 day fasts. The only issue I had was a shrunk stomach so I couldn't eat much. I had some rumblings in my intestines too. They grumbled for lack of stuff to push around, then grumbled for having stuff to push around! (Aren't we all a little like that!?) Now that my fast is over, I can say that I feel good about it. I don't know that I made any startling revelations or that some bright "aha" light went off. But I did accomplish a fast - where I had to depend on God to keep me from being mean - God who completely made the fast possible. I don't have a job. I don't have a better road map for the future. I don't have any "callings" on my life. I'm sure God has plans for me but a...