Yes, I know. I haven't posted anything for a while.Here's the story, my excuse as it were. I've been busy. No, I did not get a job. My dear friend and I are working on a project. It is something new for me. I'm not willing at this point to say what it is but if it turns out ok, I might let you know what the project is. I have really enjoyed working on it, learning something new, recharging my batteries.
The whole Christmas season was just very pleasant. We cut back on the number of gift purchases so there is a lot less pressure/stress involved with that. I've increased my baking and have given a lot of cookies and fudge and other goodies away. I've really enjoyed that. Two Christmas gifts (from others to us) involved donations to Heifer International and St Jude's Children's Research Hospital. Those were wonderful gifts!
Our pastor led an Advent Bible Study, focusing on the "support people" as I call them, the shepherds, Joseph, the wise men, and Herod. Unfortunately, I missed the Herod discussion. Pastor pointed out that our Christmases are too pretty and clean. When Jesus was born, it was a harsh, cruel, difficult time.
I sent almost no Christmas cards this year - 3 or 4, I think. I can't really explain why, except that time got away from me. We didn't receive many cards either. I missed that. I really enjoy receiving them, even though I feel guilty for not having sent many.
I have been reading my devotions and my daily Bible
. I am almost through the Bible again. I am in Revelation. Revelation 14:7 says "He said in a loud voice, 'Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.'” and Rev 14:11b says "There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name." Those are the passages I wrote down today. I don't have a comment for those verses. I just felt like I needed them written down. I believe that tough times are ahead of us. Perhaps that is why I was compelled to write them down.
God gives us ample instruction and warning. He also gives us abundant love, mercy and grace. He forgives us, nurtures us, sustains us, calls us, has mercy on us. He just wants our obedience and adoration. Doesn't seem like too much to ask, does it? I don't know what is a struggle. I have freedom to decide. But the more freedom I have to decide, the more I want. That gets in the way of obedience. Many people only adore and obey God when they are in great need. I've certainly been guilty of that.
Maybe that is a resolution that I should make for 2011. Adore and Obey, regardless of the situation I'm in. I don't usually make resolutions. They are too easily dropped with lots of other peoples' broken resolutions for company!! With the help of the Holy Spirit, I'll be more able to keep this resolution.
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