Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
What if all our conversations were full of grace? Can you imagine how nice they would be? Even if they were harsh issues, like telling an employee that they need to be on time, every day, to all meetings, or telling a friend that they are headed for trouble if they don't rethink their priorities. All conversations would be kind, only stating what is necessary using the most gracious words and tone of voice.
And those speaking to us would be full of grace. How pleasant! What a goal to strive for! I wonder if it'd be possible to have all our conversations full of grace, even those conversations with people who are growing in Christ, or those who make us mad, or those who are usually difficult to deal with. If we keep ourselves in a state of grace (which is only possible through Christ Jesus), we may be able to steer the tone of any conversation to one of civility and kindness, with genuine caring and full of grace, no matter the person or situation. What a lofty goal!
This is my prayer today. Lord, create in me the ability to have conversations be full of grace. As You know, this is not naturally in me. I will only be able to accomplish this through Your working in me. Thank You for the guidance You show in Your holy word. May my conversations be full of grace and sprinkled with salt so that I may answer everyone in a way that brings glory to You. Amen.
This is my prayer today. Lord, create in me the ability to have conversations be full of grace. As You know, this is not naturally in me. I will only be able to accomplish this through Your working in me. Thank You for the guidance You show in Your holy word. May my conversations be full of grace and sprinkled with salt so that I may answer everyone in a way that brings glory to You. Amen.
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