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Zephaniah 2:3a - Seeking

by Deanna Etienne - used by permission
Zephaniah 2:3a Seek the LORD, all you humble of the land,
       you who do what he commands.
       Seek righteousness, seek humility;

When I take time to seek the Lord, I find Him everywhere.  He is in the clouds, in the sunset, in a friend's smile, in my husband's warm embrace.  He is represented in so much if His creation it is hard to miss Him if we only would take the time to seek Him.
Seeking righteousness can be hard especially when there are seemingly several righteous solutions.  I read a book once called Right From Wrong by Josh McDowell.  It was a hard book to read because I wanted to argue with each chapter that I didn't immediately agree with.  As I got into each chapter and argument, I had to agree with the author.  We have lots of gray areas where there are two or more seemingly correct, righteous choices but with God there is only black and white, right and wrong, righteous and unrighteous.  I don't know if we get credit when we make a wrong decision for what we think is a righteous reason.  I'd hope that God knows when we truly try to do right.  I know that leaning on Him and listening for Him is always right. When we make decisions that are wrong, but for the right reason, we still miss the mark if we don't include God in the decision-making process. Obedience to God is our first responsibility (besides praising Him).

I find it harder to seek humility. It is too easy to have my feelings hurt. This means that I am prideful - which is the opposite of humility. How does one get past having their feelings hurt?  How do we seek to be humble?  Humility isn't being walked on.  One can stand one's ground and be humble, providing the ground they are standing on is not based on pride. How many times do we argue because someone disagrees with our opinion because we HAVE to be right? Our opinion has to be the one everyone agrees to, so we argue to make the point. I don't think that is righteous or an example of humility.  I think that is pride.

God, You are awesome.  You should be sought after everywhere.  It is always worth our time and effort.  Help me to seek also to be righteous and live in humility.  I seek to be what you want me to be.  Amen.
