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God's Miracles

We are studying Miracles - I've already mentioned that in an earlier post.  I just completed my first pass at doing this week's lesson which is about the parting of the Red Sea. Then I picked up another study I was doing with another group of people called Fruit of the Spirit. The rest of the group has already completed the study but I wanted to do it anyway. The "fruit" for this lesson is self-control.  This is one I would have liked to do with other people. I think this is one of the fruits I'm most lacking!!
Anyway, the lesson uses 1 Samuel 26 to illustrate self-control. David has the opportunity to kill Saul, who'd been pursuing him relentlessly. David exhibits an extreme amount of self-control when he chooses not to kill Saul and not to let his comrade kill him either. You see, they sneak into Saul's camp full of 6000 of Saul's chosen men and steal Saul's water jug and spear that were near Saul's head.  Saul was sleeping in the center of the camp surrounded by his men all around him.

I read this after reading about the parting of the Red Sea for the other study.  So part of what I saw in this reading of 1 Samuel is the miracle in verse 12. "So David took the spear and water jug near Saul's head, and they left. No one saw or knew about it, nor did anyone wake up. They were all sleeping, because the LORD had put them into a deep sleep."  

See it?  A relatively "little" miracle compared to parting the Red Sea but a miracle nonetheless. "No one saw or knew about it, nor did anyone wake up. They were all sleeping, because the LORD had put them into a deep sleep." I'm hoping that my study of miracles will open my eyes to many of the other little miracles mentioned throughout the Bible. The ones that are tucked away neatly in the middle of some Biblical event.  I'm also hoping that my study of miracles will open my eyes to the miracles that happen all the time, or I believe happen all the time, but get missed.  I think we have to train ourselves to watch for God. That's part of my reasons for doing a blog.  I'm trying to teach myself to always focus my attention on God and His presence.  Certainly His miracles should grab my attention but I'm afraid I'm not paying enough attention much of the time.

I like the statement above - Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles  - sometimes there are really big ones too but the small ones get missed. Some we can't know. Like not getting into that car accident that didn't happen because the timing was just right that we HAD to stop at the stoplight. Others, we simply don't acknowledge. I hope to acknowledge those.  God deserves the praise and thanks.

God, Thank you for letting me notice this miracle in David's story.  Help me to stay focused on You so much that I don't miss opportunities to praise you and thank you for the every-day-kind-of miracles.  Amen.
