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God will

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is with you,
       he is mighty to save.
       He will take great delight in you,
       he will quiet you with his love,
       he will rejoice over you with singing." 

The Bible lets us know about the promises God has made. We can depend on each one.  When we know enough of the Bible through study and reading, we understand that many of these promises have "catches".  We have to do our part. There are other promises that don't require us to do anything.
This verse tells us that because God is mighty, He can save us and He is with us.  He takes, or rather will take, great delight in us. We don't know the circumstances of what will cause Him to delight in us.

He will also quiet us. I think of a squirmy, fidgety baby who needs quieted before he can fall asleep.  Softly singing, rubbing his back, slightly bouncing him quiets the baby so he can sleep.  Does God do this for us?  What a wonderful thought!!

He will also rejoice over us.  I picture the father of the prodigal son who runs to embrace his wayward son.  I picture the shepherd who finally finds the one lost sheep that wondered away from the other 99.  I hear the joyful sounds of choirs at Christmas announcing the arrival of the newborn Jesus. 

I've decided that this is a wonderful verse. It announces that God is with us, delights in us, rejoices over us, sings to us, pats us on the back to quiet us. I like the picture in my head.

Thank you God for your presence and goodness.  You are amazing.  Amen.
