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Ezekiel 28:2: ....." 'In the pride of your heart
       you say, "I am a god;
       I sit on the throne of a god ....."

This verse was spoken by God to Ezekiel about the ruler of Tyre. When I read it this morning, I stopped at the phrase: In the pride of your heart.   What can this mean for me? Anything?  Am I hiding pride in my heart?  Do we even understand that when we carry pride in our hearts, that we are really saying we are gods?  Well, we are. Aren't we? On some level?

We must reflect on whether we have pride in our hearts, especially hidden pride that causes us to believe somewhere deep down inside that we are in control, that we have power, that we know the answers, that we are gods, our own gods. That we don't need another all-powerful, all-knowing, saving God. I'm certain that there are times that I think I am in control, when I'm really not. Times when I think that I can deal with it, or handle it myself. That if I (by myself) try hard enough, I can succeed, or win, or complete whatever it is. Times when I think I am on top of the world as though I deserve a high place.

Oh, I don't believe I am in this alone. There are loads of people who believe THEY have the world by the tail. But just because others do the same, or worse, does not absolve me from my sin of pride in my heart. Each time I look at another person and think to myself, "I'm better off than that", or "That poor person, see how they got themselves in that situation", I believe that I am making myself superior.....when I am not.  God finished the sentence in Ezekiel 28:2 with:
       But you are a man and not a god,
       though you think you are as wise as a god.
So I am put in my place again. I may be blessed in some areas that others are not blessed, or talented where others are not, or whatever. BUT I AM NOT superior in any way. I did not attain any of my blessings on my own. I may have worked for certain things but ultimately God has provided me with everything I have.  God has provided me with circumstances to succeed or fail, as meets His plan. God is in complete command.  He decides if my blessings continue, or if they are used elsewhere. It is my place to simply and humbly say thank you for everything that you bestow upon me, good fortune or bad.

Father God, Please cut the hidden (or not so hidden) pride from heart. I know You alone are God. Help me to know it in my heart and act like I know it also.  You are awesome. Amen.
