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Not permitted to return

Hosea 5:4: "Their deeds do not permit them
       to return to their God.

A spirit of prostitution is in their heart;
       they do not acknowledge the LORD.

How awful!!!  Deeds ruling lives to the extent that we can't return to God. This doesn't imply that God won't let them return, but that they won't. I can't imagine being tied to my sins so completely that I couldn't return to God. It is possible to have such as sinful nature that you don't even recognize you're sinful. I know I was like that and probably continue to be. The more I know of God's nature, the more I know about how far I am from where He wants me to be. My actions, thoughts, and words do not betray God's nature, but rather who I am, a sinful, sin-filled person. I pray for forgiveness then learn more about what I need to ask forgiveness for.  The spirit of prostitution visits in my heart sometimes.  I put other things in front of God.  That is the spirit of prostitution.  I sell my heart to other bidders.
Thank God for Jesus Christ.  Thank God that He knows our nature.  Thank God that He gives us "partial credit" for having the will to try and the willingness to learn even more about how sinful we are. 

Dear Jesus, I praise You and want to be like You. Clean out my sinful nature. Make me clean. Seal my heart to prevent visitors who are not godly. Thank you for who you are.  Amen.
