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James 3:16

James 3:16:  For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.

I used this because it implies evil

Have you noticed this to be true? I'll bet if you've thought about it or if you think about it now, you can attest to the truth of this. Jealousy is selfish and, of course, so is selfish ambition. How can there NOT be disorder if everyone is out for him/herself?  When others are looking out for themselves only, they will do or say anything - provided it benefits them. If it benefits others that's okay but that is not the goal. Jealousy feeds off of selfish ambition. Someone has what you want, but you only want it because they have it and you don't.

Now think about the times where there was disorder and chaos. I'll bet you can find glimpses of jealousy and/or selfishness close by.  Disorder is defined as lack of order, confusion, irregularity, or disturbance. Jealousy can cause people to be confused or disturbed. I am confused when I think I've done something right but another person is certain I'm wrong. Perhaps one of us has jealous tendencies in that situation. I know I am certainly disturbed then. Evil is defined as morally bad, wicked, disastrous, harmful.  Selfish ambition and jealousy can be the root of evil and disorder. So when you are in the midst of a situation that is disordered or evil, look for selfish ambition or jealous party so you can help to alleviate the situation with kindness and/or self correction.

God who sees all, Open our eyes to our own selfish tendencies. Help us focus on Your glory so that we walk away from our selfishness. Help us to kindly guide others to see their selfish tendencies. We started with selfishness from the Garden of Eden and we jealous since Cain killed Abel. Forgive us. Help us. Heal us. In Jesus powerful and precious name.  Amen.
