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I learned something this week.

I learned something this week.  Actually I learned several things but one is relevant for this blog. Do you know what worship means? This week at Bible Study, we got into a discussion about worship and how a lot of songs sung during Sunday Worship services are not "worship" songs. Well, after I got home, I got to thinking about this topic for a post to this blog.  This is what I learned.

Worship as a verb means: "to render religious reverence and homage to" -"to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing)." - "to attend services of divine worship." -"to feel an adoring reverence or regard." (From That is NOT what I thought worship was.  I have always used the words praise and worship almost interchangeably. Worship, in my mind, was the act of praise to be centered on the One being adored.  Well, as you can see, this is not the same thing. Worship is more attitude, the honor, respect, and reverence used rather than the adoration and praise itself.  

In other words, songs of confession (i.e. Just as I am), joy (He's Alive), praise (How Great Thou Art) as well as the sermon and the children's moment when done with reverence and adoration and regard, is worship. I hope you listen to the songs that I've linked here.  They are by far the best part of this post.

Dear God,  Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for the talent of song you bestow on people.  Thank you for touching me.  Amen.
