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This too shall pass

I've added another mantra to keep me from worry.  That mantra is the phrase "and this too shall pass".  I don't know about you but many times I fret over things, even momentarily, that never happen, or weren't as bad as I'd imagined, or didn't last as long as I'd anticipated. In order to keep me from getting too far into a pity-party, or the worry pit, I try to remind myself that "this to shall pass". 
Even if that awful thing happens and keeps happening the rest of my life, it will pass away when I get to heaven.  
Working with hard-to-deal-with people will pass.  
Being sick will pass. 
Being frightened will pass.  
Feeling lonely will pass.  
Being overwhelmed will pass.  
We just need to be able to look at things from the long view.  THIS too will pass but THAT (eternity with Jesus) will not.

When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be.  When we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory.

(See this link for another person's idea of this too shall pass.)
