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Jesus - example of forgiveness

I know that is a "duh" title but that's what comes to mind.  Two of today's scripture readings are John 20:19-31 and Revelation 1:4-8.  Today, I noticed for the first time, that this passage in John is AFTER Jesus has been savagely crucified and then resurrected.  He says in verse 23: "If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.

If you remember, Luke 23:33 - 35 records where Jesus forgives those who were crucifying him while they were doing it, while he was dying a torturous death. (Luke 23:34) Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."  Jesus has provided an example of forgiveness that we should follow. 

The next reading is Revelation.  Look at verse 7:  Look, he is coming with the clouds,
      and every eye will see him,
   even those who pierced him;
      and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen.

Jesus forgives everyone.  Then later, when he returns, everyone, including those who  pierced him and were forgiven, will see him coming in the clouds. I don't know how to describe what touches me here.  

I want to tell you a story from a cartoon I watched when my kids were young (yes my kids, not me - I'm not even sure they watched it with me!) The cartoon was Garfield and Friends.  I really enjoyed the "and Friends" part.  They were barnyard characters.  There was one character, I don't remember which, who played practical jokes on everyone.  There was one time that the joke was particularly - well, not nice.  He knew it.  The one who was the butt of the joke knew it. The rest of the cartoon was about how stressed, upset, and fearful the prankster was waiting on the retaliation.  The character who was the butt of the joke continued to say that he had no intention of retaliating but that never assuaged the fear of the prankster. It took the whole show for the prankster to become confident that nothing was going to happen to him.

Now think of those who pierced Jesus during his crucifixion.  Think of all those who have pierced Him since then.  Think of the time when you've pierced Him.  Now think of Him coming in the clouds.  Those of us who are still looking for retaliation will mourn because of Him.  Those of us who have already accepted His forgiveness and have forgiven others as Jesus did will rejoice at His coming.

Jesus, Thank you for forgiving.  We look forward to your coming.  Amen.
