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Center Yourself

I recently went through a "centering" exercise.  Many times, we get stressed, confused, out-of-sorts.  Much of the time this is simply because we get caught up in what goes on around us, or in our heads (fears and anxieties).  So to get off that merry-go-round, try this "centering exercise".

Close your eyes.

Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. (Keep your eyes closed!)
Continue to breath deeply with  your eyes closed while thinking......

Who do I serve?

Who can I trust?

Who do I serve?

Who loves me more than I can imagine?

Who do I serve?

Continue thinking over these questions until all the answers are "God, my Lord and Savior, Creator, Sustainer".

Now you are centered on the only thing that matters.  God will help you off that merry-go-round and help you just be in peace.

Father God, We really do know that we can rest in You and that will keep us and shine upon us with Your grace.  Help us to remember that we serve YOU.  Amen.
