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Transfiguration = Change

This Sunday we did a skit about how Moses was changed after his visits on Mount Sinai with God. It was Transfiguration Sunday.  We wanted something that the children could relate to and remember so we chose Moses in person.  

We had "Moses" come through the sanctuary, talk a little to the kids then walk off on his way to talking with God.  Another person kept the kids interested and talking until Moses was done talking with God.  When he came back - he was different.  Because, you see, each time we spend time with God, we are changed. I think they got the message - as much as they could.  I really enjoyed it.

The point is that each encounter we have with God, we become different than we were before the encounter.  When we pray, we are closer to God, even when our prayers are selfish or angry. Each time we read God's Word, we know more of who God is.  Each visit with God is life-altering, even if only a little. 

Thank you God for the change in me since I've started spending more time with You.  Please continue to work on me to make me what You want me to be. AMEN
