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Psalm 46:1 God - a very present help

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

A very present help.  Our God is a very present help.  Our God is very present. How often do we forget that God is with us always. He sent Jesus as Emmanuel, God With Us.

When Moses asked God how to tell the Israelites that he was sent by the living God to get them out of bondage, God said to tell them His name: I AM.  So we know that God exists because He proclaims in the announcement of His name, I AM.  GOD IS. GOD WAS. GOD WILL BE.

God, our Lord and Master, is very present because He Is, Was and Will Be.  He is everywhere and in all times.  What a wonderful and scary thought. God is there when we need Him.  God is there when we turn to Him.  God is there when we choose to act like He isn't.

Dear God, I AM, You are amazing and awesome.  You are everywhere at all times.  You are there when bad things happen.  You are there when great things happen.  You are and always were and always will be.  The idea is beyond my ability to understand.  I just know that I can call on You at all times in all situations to praise You and get Your perfect guidance.  Thank you.  Amen
