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Luke 5:1-11 ....... I'm convicted

Today, I'm convicted.  I've read this passage many times and have listened to numerous sermons based on this passage. But today, I'm convicted.  Today, in this passage, for the first time, I'm convicted in my sin.

Jesus had not called any disciples yet.  This verse tells of when he chooses to call them specifically.  So those called have had no personal interaction with Jesus that we know of.  They may have heard of Jesus.  They may know that he is someone to watch but they did not KNOW him.

Yet, when Jesus tells them to cast their nets out a little further, in deeper water, they grudgingly do so. (Verse 5: Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.") They did as Jesus suggested just because HE suggested it.  They did not argue about it.  They were probably too tired to do that.  But they fully expected this exercise to be a waste of time and energy. 

Then look at verses 8-9: "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken,Simon Peter fell to his knees, to Jesus' knees.  Why?  

Look at what he says: "Go away from me, Lord, I am a sinful man."   What does this haul of fish have to do with Simon Peter being a sinful man? Why this outburst of shame at this time?  The next statement tells us....."For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch...."   Peter was convicted because he only DID what Jesus asked but he did not believe it would make any difference.  

Here is where I am convicted.  Peter was convicted for DOING but not believing.  I am convicted because I do not always DO the thing I am supposed to do, and when I do, I seldom believe in the outcome.  I seldom believe that Christ will make the difference.  Oh, I might say I believe, but I don't always act like I believe.  My actions are half-hearted and lazy.  How sinful am I? 

Oh, Jesus, please go away from me, i am sinful. But yet, I beg you.  Please have pity on me. Please have pity on me. Help my unbelief.  Open me to fully accepting that You are all the power needed for everything and anything You ask of me.  Forgive my doubting nature, my fake acceptance of who you are.  Have pity on me, Jesus.  Amen 
