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It is well with my soul - second post of the day

On Friday afternoons, a group of people goes to the local nursing home to sing hymns.  Since I am out of work, I was asked to come along.  I did.  It was fun.  Some of the songs I knew.  Some I did not.  One song I did know, and had sung before many times and have heard in several different versions was It is Well With My Soul. 

Well, as things go, I noticed some of words that had never sunk into my brain.  Those words are: "And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll", I think this is the last verse.  The line that I heard for the first time today was: "when my faith shall be sight".  Isn't that just a wonderful thought?  When we no longer just have faith but we will also be able to SEE the object of our faith. 

I can't make any other comments.  Oh, the day will come when we will see the object of our faith.  It is Well With My Soul.  :)  

Thank you God for the coming day when I will see you as "the clouds are rolled back as a scroll".   Amen.
