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1 Sam 3: 10 Your servant is listening

1 Samuel 3:10 (NIV) The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."

Today there were three diverse scriptures in my readings that seem to go together.  I'll write about them independently and how they converge later. In this verse, Samuel, who has not been introduced to God yet (see verse 7: Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD : The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him.) was hearing God call his name. He did not know how to respond.  His mentor, Eli, told him how to respond to the call, "speak, for your servant is listening."

This is how I also should respond to God's call, Speak, for your servant is listening.  This response is appropriate to tell God that He won't be wasting His words and instruction on me because I will listen.  This response conveys that I recognize God as Master, that I am only a servant, that I am ready to obey the next instruction from my Master.

God is not always as patient as He was with Samuel. (He gave Samuel three chances to respond.) God is not always as loud as He was with Samuel. After all, not many people actually hear a voice calling their name out of thin air!  However, God is always master. I should always be servant, waiting for my next instruction, mission, duty that God has for me.  I should be alert for God's voice. When I hear or feel God's nudgings, I need to be open to listening.  

Heavenly God, I ask that you help me be alert to You and be willing to listen for Your next action plan for me. I am sorry for those times that I've missed Your voice.  I ask forgiveness for those times I've ignored Your voice. Help me to always be open to say, "speak, your servant is listening."  With the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit may it be so. Amen.
